Bella Italia

The Perfect Mosaic of Tapestry, Truffles, Silk and Alpacas 

in Tuscany, Umbria and Lake Como

April 28 - May 14, 2022

With an optional Pre-Trip Extension in Rome  April 25 - 58

Who knew?  While the mention of Italy may elicit visions of exquisite wine, decadent cuisine, magnificent art and legendary vistas, the country has a history rich in textiles.  The tradition of weaving on hand looms dates back hundreds of years and has evolved into a modern industry adapting designs from the Renaissance.  The town of Como, situated on the shores of idyllic Lake Como, is considered to be the heart of silk history and production in Italy.  It's relationship with silk dates back more than 4,000 years and is now Italy's largest silk producer and home to Educational Silk Museum.  There is even a working alpaca farm in the serene Umbrian counrtyside.  From hands- on fiber arts workshops to wine and olive oil tasting; visiting medieval walled villages to optional private cooking classes, we will immerse ourselves in the best of everything! Come and experience the creative side of Italy that most don't even know about.


April 28 - May 14, 2022


4 Spots Just Opened Up!


Sold Out in 2018



Click below for a detailed itinerary

Two methods...

Bella Italia 2022.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [8.5 MB]

Watch a short video of the magic